Trusts and Foundations
We would like to thank the following for their generosity, including those who wish to remain anonymous:
Arimathea Charitable Trust
Arts Council England
The Augusta Charitable Trust
The Bellasis Trust
Pitmans Charitable Trust
Blavatnik Family Foundation
The Blyth Watson Charitable Trust
The Britwell Trust
Bulldog Trust
The Celia Blakey Charitable Trust
The Cecchetti Society
Cockayne Grants for the Arts
Constance Travis Charitable Trust
The Crescent Trust
D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust
The Deborah Loeb Brice
Donor Advised Fund at CAF
The De Laszlo Foundation
The Dorfman Foundation
Edwin Fox Foundation
Egerton Capital
Eranda Rothschild Foundation
The Fenton Arts Trust
Foyle Foundation
Garfield Weston Foundation
The Garrick Club Charitable Trust
The George Cadbury Trust
Gerald Ronson Foundation
Golden Bottle Trust
The Goldsmiths’ Company Charity
The Gomme Charitable Trust
The Grocer’s Charity
Hon. W. Gibson Charity Trust
Idlewild Trust
Kathleen Hannay Memorial Charity
The Leche Trust
The Linbury Trust
Lionel Wigram Memorial Trust
The Lord Faringdon Charitable Trust
Lynne & Land Foundation
The Mark Seligman Charitable Trust
Maria Bjornson Memorial Fund
The Mercer’s Charitable Foundation
The Monument Trust
Nicholas Berwin Charitable Trust
P F Trust
Portmore Charitable Trust
Pragnell Foundation
The Robert Gavron Charitable Trust
Richard Cunis Charitable Trust
The Roger and Ingrid Pilkington Charitable Trust
Sandra Charitable Trust
Sisi and Savita Charitable Trust
Sorrell Charitable Foundation
Stanley Foundation
The Sir Donald Gosling Trust
The Sir Edward Lewis Foundation
The Steel Charitable Trust
Sir John Mactaggart Charitable Trust
Sir Simon Milton Foundation
The Tezmae Charitable Trust
Thriplow Charitable Trust
Trusthouse Charitable Foundation
The Weinstock Fund

Company Creative Circle
We would like to thank all our generous company supporters:
Oriole Bar

Philanthropic Support
We would like to thank all our generous philanthropic supporters, including those who wish to remain anonymous:
John Allen
Ettie Andreae
Jeremy Attard-Manche
Nicholas Berwin
Lady Virginia Bell
Paul Brewer
Lucille Briance
Rosemary Burr
Dame Darcey Bussell DBE
Sue Butcher
Jane Cadbury
Isabelle Capel Cure
Lucy Chadlington
Lubov Chernukhin
Mrs Chris M. Churchley
Christine Clarke
Elizabeth Clarke
Richard and Jennie Cunis
Liz Cuthbertson
Janet and Richard Cooper
Caroline Courtauld
Camilla Cordle
Rupert Cordle
Etienne D’Arenberg
Laura de Chair
Damon De Laszlo
Graham Defries
Sarah Dorin
Bruno Ducharme
Elizabeth and Paul Dupee
June and Peter Felix
Angus Forbes
Mark and Wanda Goodey
David and Lindsay Gomme
Adrian Heath-Saunders
Pauline Heerema
David Henderson
David Henriques
Josephine Higgs
Fiona Hill
Jamnmy Hoare
Lady Anne Hodson-Pressinger
Christopher Holder
Sabine Hoysted
Gareth Hughes
Robert and Dorothy Ind
Ralph Kanza
Sally Kefi
Claude Keith and Mo Fisher
Heidi and Paul Kluger
Sybil and Herbert Kretzmer
Jacqui Lane
Patricia Leigh-Wood
Jonathan Ledermann
Ida Levine
Deborah Loeb Brice
Alistair Macpherson
Christopher McCann
Jeremy and Elizabeth Nicholson
Sir John MacTaggart
Saloman Marcos
Kimberly Metaxa
David Milne
Kiki McDonough
Richard Moore
Lord and Lady Myners
Herbert Oakes
Tim and Susie Oliver
Christopher Ondaatje
Tania and Nick Oppenheim
Hugh Paget
Karen and Jan Pilkington-Miksa
Olga Polizzi
Clive and Fern Potter
Russell Race
Chrstine Reid
Paul Rhodes
John and Pit Rink
Kristina Rogge
Julia Rosier
Anya Sainsbury CBE
Susie Seagrave
Sir Anthony Salz
Juliet and Sam Searle
Paddy Sellers
Louise Sheaves
Peter Shorthouse
Peter Smedvig
The St Albans Ballet Club in memory of Brenda Naylor and Charles Hedges
Susan Stables
Stuart Stanley
Karen Storey
John Studzinski CBE
Peter Syme
Christopher and Sally Tennant
Alan Thomas
Carol Tucker
Myrna van der Beugel
Gerard Versteegh
George Vestey
J. Adrian Watney
Allan and Sue Warner
Simon Weil
Glenda Weil
Jonathan and Eleanor Weil
Michael Wright